An Unparalleled
Development Experience.

8base provides the most robust GraphQL-based query language for your API.
Talk to us

The 8base GraphQL Engine

A robust query language designed for front-end developers.


Auto-generated CRUD operations for all data objects.


Easily build real-time features using GraphQL subscriptions powered by Websockets.

Advanced Capabilities

Advanced query syntax for filtering, full text search, sorting, pagination, groupings and aggregations.


All your operations for backend resources are auto-documented.

Smart Fields

Files and Smart Fields

Groupings & Aggregations

Filtering, Pagination, Sorting

Filtering, Pagination, Sorting

Filtering, Pagination, Sorting



Query Data

Query Data From Salesforce

# Select first 5 employees from 'technology' department 
# and get projects they are working on

  department(name: "technology") {    
    employees(first: 5) {
      items {
        projects {
          items {

# Get first 5 projects with ‘UI’ or ‘Integrations’ 
# tags and order them by creation date

    filter: {tags: {some: {name: {in: ["UI", "Integrations"]}}}}
    first: 5
    orderBy: [createdAt_DESC]
  ) {
    items {
      tags {
        items {

# Create a new project, add two employees to it
# and attach a new ‘PDF’ tag in a single transaction

mutation {
  projectCreate(data: {
    title: "Sales Presentation v3.0"
    members: {
      connect: [
        { id: "cjvy7r28l00j701s4etrbfakq"},
        { id: "cjvy7rdoj00je01s48z3lg56n"}
    tags: {
      create: {
        name: "PDF"
  }) {
    members {
      items {
    tags {
      items {

# Query employee picture and address
# ‘address’ is a Smart Field that has sub-fields

  employee(id: "cjvy7mp8e001401pbczhi1ry2") {
    picture {
    address {

# Get data from connected Salesforce instance
# Query related tables in a single query

  salesforce {
    account(id: "001f400000f1DnZAAU") {
      Opportunities {
        items {

# Group articles by their author's name, count how many articles belong to each author, and return each groups article IDs while excluding anyarticles that do NOT have an author
# Query related tables in a single query

  articlesList(groupBy: {
    query: {
      author: {
        name: {
          as: "authorName"
      id: {
        as: "authorPosts",
        fn: {
          aggregate: COUNT
      _groupIds: {
        as: "postsIds"
    having: {
      alias: "authorName"
      string: {
        is_not_empty: true
  }) {
    groups {
      authorName: String
      authorPosts: Int
      postsIds: GroupIds

  "data": {
    "department": {
      "employees": {
        "count": 6,
        "items": [
            "name": "Isabel Fisher",
            "projects": {
              "items": [
                  "title": "Dashboard v2.0"
            "name": "Cristen Adams",
            "projects": {
              "items": [
                  "title": "Data migration"
                  "title": "New Login UI"
            "name": "Ellie Austin",
            "projects": {
              "items": [
                  "title": "Dashboard v2.0"
                  "title": "Data migration"
            "name": "Naseem Carney",
            "projects": {
              "items": [
                  "title": "New Login UI"
            "name": "Kaydan Harrell",
            "projects": {
              "items": []

  "data": {
    "projectsList": {
      "items": [
          "title": "Dashboard v2.0",
          "tags": {
            "items": [
                "name": "ReactJS"
                "name": "UI"
          "title": "Data migration",
          "tags": {
            "items": [
                "name": "Integrations"
          "title": "New Login UI",
          "tags": {
            "items": [
                "name": "ReactJS"
                "name": "UI"

  "data": {
    "projectCreate": {
      "title": "Sales Presentation v3.0",
      "members": {
        "items": [
            "name": "Bryan Rivas"
            "name": "Gabriela Patterson"
      "tags": {
        "items": [
            "name": "PDF"

  "data": {
    "employee": {
      "name": "Isabel Fisher",
      "picture": {
        "downloadUrl": "https://..."
      "address": {
        "country": "United States",
        "zip": "56301"

  "data": {
    "salesforce": {
      "account": {
        "Name": "GenePoint",
        "Opportunities": {
          "items": [
              "Name": "GenePoint Standby Generator"
              "Name": "GenePoint Lab Generators"
              "Name": "GenePoint SLA"

  "data": {
    "articlesList": {
      "groups": [
          "authorName": "James Huxley",
          "authorPosts": 12,
          "postsIds": [
          "authorName": "Huckelberry Ben",
          "authorPosts": 7,
          "postsIds": [
          "authorName": "Stephen Begzz",
          "authorPosts": 10,
          "postsIds": [

Integrated GraphQL Developer Tools

8base provides the most robust GraphQL-based query language for your API.

Change your data model and immediately query it using the 8base API Explorer. Reference your auto-generated documentation. Construct your queries in the editor before copying them to your frontend or mobile application.

Access your
instance using GraphQL

Why build custom middleware when you can build powerful modern applications instantly with your data.

Learn more

What are people saying about 8base?

chief of product development at cobuild lab
Angel Lacret
Chief of Product Development @ Cobuild Lab
“8base cuts in half all the things that you need to do to create a well-designed application.”
front-end developer and ux/ui designer for ibm
Eva Hankova
Front-end Developer, UI/UX Designer @ IBM
"8base's GraphQL API is amazing! It gives me everything I need to quickly build front-end apps with robust filters, sorting and pagination for my data with zero backend work."
chief technology officer for evidencecare
Ryan Macy
chief technology officer @ EvidenceCare
"GraphQL is a really amazing solution for a very serious problem, which is making APIs as usable as a UIs. That’s pretty much a requirement today for creating a great developer experience.”
senior developer advocate for microsoft
Christian Nwamba
Senior Developer Advocate @ Microsoft
“8base is a life-changing tool for developers. It's like Firebase but with GraphQL, relational data, flexibility and extensibility. I absolutely love it!”
front-end developer for w+r studios
Sky Winston
Front-End Developer @ W+R Studios
“Speaking on behalf of front-end developers, what we don’t have is a way to easily get a back-end up and running. That’s why I’m so excited about 8base. It’s where I can go to do just that."
analyst for it partners limited
Sam Woolerton
Analyst @ IT Partners Limited
" I detest DevOps, database migrations, and that sort of stuff. And literally, 8base handles all of that. So, it’s perfect for me. "
analyst for it partners limited
Abdul Karmach,
CO-Founder @
"We founded the company doing low code but hopped around different platforms because they all had critical limitations and dead ends. We needed low-code, but also complete flexibility — and that’s precisely what 8base provides. It allows us to build any application while dramatically reducing the expense and labor. "
analyst for it partners limited
Mihir Shah
Co-Founder @ ITWOX
"The feedback has been that it's very easy for the new devs to understand the core concept of 8base. It takes about a day or two for them to really get up to speed."
analyst for it partners limited
Josh Clements
Managing Director @ Integris Group
"Usually, you expect to get 80% of what you want with low code; the other 20% is nearly impossible and you just burn a ton of time trying to accomplish it. We have not encountered that 20% at all since transitioning to 8base."
A arrow indicating that this is a slider.
An arrow indicating that this is a slider.